Prescreen is a day-long event that asks prospective volunteers to demonstrate their companion animal’s aptitude in pet therapy activities through a series of obedience and temperament scenarios.
This event costs $70 per team, or $50 for teams where the handler is age 65+ or the handler has previously been ratified with PeTS.
Teams with dogs will be asked to perform all obedience and temperament scenarios, while teams with cats will only be asked to perform the temperament scenarios.
Prescreen Agenda:
9:15am to 10:15am – The first group of teams (max. 4 teams) takes turns performing the obedience scenarios.
10:15am to 11:00am – Obedience evaluators reach consensus on which teams from group 1 have satisfied the obedience requirements and are eligible to perform the temperament evaluations. Evaluators will text or email eligible teams with an assigned afternoon time slot (15-min duration between 1 and 3pm).
11:00am to 12pm – The second group of teams (max. 4 teams) takes turns performing the obedience scenarios.
12:00pm to 1:00pm – Obedience evaluators reach consensus on which teams from group 2 have satisfied the obedience requirements and are eligible to perform the temperament evaluations. Evaluators will text or email eligible teams with an assigned afternoon time slot (15-min duration between 1 and 3pm).
1:00pm to 3:00pm – Teams individually perform the temperament scenarios.
If you have any questions, please email